US and Canadian federal regulations require that organizations obtain informed consent from recipients before sending text (SMS) messages.
美國和加拿大聯邦法規要求組織在發送簡訊 (SMS) 之前獲得收件人的知情同意。
With your consent, US LAUNCH PRO would like to send text (SMS) messages to the mobile number you have provided in our records.
經您同意,US LAUNCH PRO 希望向您在我們記錄中提供的手機號碼發送簡訊 (SMS)。
By providing your informed consent where indicated, you acknowledge that you have understood the information below and agree to participate in our text (SMS) messaging service.
透過在註明的情況下提供您的知情同意,您確認您已瞭解以下資訊並同意參與我們的簡訊 (SMS) 訊息服務。
Purpose and Description: {Name of Your Organization}’s text (SMS) messaging service is designed to provide you with helpful information, reminders, and notifications via text messages sent to your mobile phone. We may use text (SMS) messages to communicate with you for a variety of purposes, including:
目的與描述:US LAUNCH PRO 的簡訊 (SMS) 訊息服務旨在透過發送到您手機的簡訊為您提供有用的資訊、提醒和通知。
我們可能會出於多種目的使用簡訊 (SMS) 與您溝通,包括:
Announcements and reminders of upcoming events 即將發生的事件的公告和提醒
Reminders about membership renewal 關於會員更新的提醒
Surveys and polls 問卷和意向調查
Events, bookings, and appointments 會議、預定、線上說明會、預約確認、預約提醒
Customer care 客戶服務
Customer service messages, like automated surveys and feedback requests 客戶服務訊息,例如自動調查和回饋請求
Account-related notfications, reminders including payment reminders, order confirmations, and updates
Marketing 行銷
Promotional content such as sales and limited time offers 促銷內容,例如促銷和限時優惠
Voluntary Participation: Participation in our text (SMS) messaging service is entirely voluntary.
You have the right to refuse or withdraw your consent at any time.
自願參與:參與我們的簡訊 (SMS) 訊息服務完全是自願的。您有權隨時拒絕或撤回您的同意。
Benefits and Risks: Benefits: The text (SMS) messaging service aims to keep you informed about {Name of Your Organization} by providing an additional method of convenient and timely communication.
好處與風險: 好處:簡訊 (SMS) 訊息服務旨在透過提供一種方便、及時的溝通方式,讓您隨時了解 US LAUNCH PRO 。
Risks: While every effort will be made to protect the security and confidentiality of information transmitted through text (SMS) messages, there are inherent risks associated with all electronic communication. These risks include unauthorized access, loss of privacy, and potential breach of sensitive information. It is important to be aware that text (SMS) messages may not be entirely secure and could be intercepted or accessed by unintended recipients.
風險:雖然我們會盡一切努力保護透過文字 (SMS) 訊息傳輸的資訊的安全性和機密性,但所有電子通訊都存在固有的風險。這些風險包括未經授權的存取、隱私遺失以及敏感資訊的潛在洩漏。請務必注意,文字 (SMS) 訊息可能並不完全安全,並且可能會被非預期收件者攔截或存取。 Potential Costs: Participation in the text (SMS) messaging service may involve standard text messaging charges applied by your mobile service provider. Please consult your mobile service provider regarding any applicable fees or charges.
潛在成本:參與簡訊 (SMS) 訊息服務可能涉及您的行動服務提供者收取的標準簡訊費用。有關任何適用的費用或收費,請諮詢您的行動服務提供者。
For any further questions, please feel free to contact our support team.
You have the right to refuse or withdraw your consent at any time.